
Somersaulting Through History : Research conducted on the history of the Circus

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Phillip Astley

Huh, how interesting!  So it turns out that Philip Astley from Europe is technically the 'father of the circus'.  Granted, acrobatic and trick arts were around long before hand, but apparently he was the one who revolutionized the art and turned it into a spectacular.  He was mostly known for his horse riding - at one point he was able to ride the horse by standing on it's back while playing an instrument! Yeah, that's tricky!
I find it interesting that he wasn't particularly an artistic person, however it was his drive and determination and his incredible business skills that made his dreams so successful.
It all started when Astley was a little boy and he would sit on the wooden fences just outside his house, fascinated by traveling bands of wagons of tinkers and performers.  This of course sparked his need for adventure and an insatiable wanderlust.  His time spent by the fences also sparked one additional curiosity: his passion and love for horses.
As he grew older, he eventually enlisted in the military and worked exclusively breaking and training horses.  
It wasn't until he later that he was fascinated by a street performing doing tricks with a horse.
This is the part that changed everything.  He took that fascination and made it his own, training with others and developing new tricks and feats of his own.  Eventually enabling him to create entire shows based on horsemanship, humor, and adventure and his own school.  This led him to build multiple theaters, and establish many performing troupes - those of which traveled vastly and adventure.
At first, it was only himself performing little acts of his own.  he then proceeded to employ a clown, and a family of acrobats.  This was only the very beginning of the circus legacy and the tone that would be set.   He founded four circuses, the Royal Amphitheater, nineteen circus buildings, and also laid the foundation for the traditional use of red and gold circus colors, the music, the dimensions, and the smell of sawdust at the circus.  
Phillip Astley opened the door for elaborate growth within this thriving new art form, and over numerous years many since him have revolutionized the way the world viewed theatrical oddities.

Phillip Astley.  Source: http://www.circopedia.org/Philip_Astley


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