
Somersaulting Through History : Research conducted on the history of the Circus

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Freak Shows

One very indistinct element of to take into consider is the intriguing idea of disability

within the circus; in other words, the popularity of freak shows. Traveling with a group was is

commonly associated with the characteristic of being a delinquent and/or an outcast.  It used

to be that a freak show a disillusioned display of mockery and hate, and the performers or

'freaks' were terribly mistreated, neglected, and abused. In spite of that negative connotation,

society has become more accepting and open-minded.  Now, it is a place where nonconformity

can be appreciated and even flaunted in full rather than an individual feeling ashamed,

attempting to normalize themselves or feel downtrodden upon.  The Last American Freak

Show was a film produced by Richard Butchins; it is a documentary that details in great length

and clarifies the twisted fantasy that swept across the States.  At one point, it was banned for

being 'too explicit' and that the aesthetic visual aspect was all wrong, that it provoked

questions and uncomfortable emotions.        

"A bunch of freaks decide to celebrate diversity in a way of their own choosing,                    

why that will never do.  It would seem that they are only allowed to act in ways

deemed appropriate by the able bodied, they after all know what’s best... Well,

not surprisingly, I and the members of the freak show would seek to disagree.

It's largely the only time that some members of the troupe get any kind of

positive reaction from people ... It's not the disability that stops them functioning

successfully in society but the barriers and prejudices that society places in front

of them that causes the problems.  Don't blame the freaks for being freaks.

Perhaps this freak show and my film about them, will give people an opportunity

to examine their attitudes to the disabled. That would be good. So, why don't

you go and spend a week in a wheel chair, see how it feels. (Angels Stand

Corrected 2013)

An additonal fact is that American Culture has popularized the entertainment value regarding that of "freak shows".  A very recent and intriguing example would be American Horror Story: Freakshow

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